BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
HyperCard Menus.cpt
HyperCard Menus
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Text File
69 lines
HyperCard v1.0: User Interface
File menu
Standard Macintosh File menu (HyperCard automatically saves changes), plus
Print card, stack, or report. Protect Stack, Compact Stack and Delete Stack
are added to the File menu if your User Preference is set to Painting,
Authoring, or Scripting.
Edit menu
Standard Macintosh Edit menu, plus New Card, Delete Card
Go menu
Go to Home card
Go to Help card
Go to next or previous card
Go to first or last card in stack
Find text in this stack
Go back, card by card, through the last 100 cards seen
Recent: review the last 42 cards seen
Painting tools
MacPaint tools on a "tear off" menu
Import or Export graphics to and from other files
Draw transparent or opaque graphics
Lighten and darken filled-in areas
Draw regular polygons
Select the last object drawn
MacPaint modifier keys implemented: for example, to make a circle, hold down
the Shift key while drawing an oval.
Authoring commands
Create, delete, or change styles of fields and buttons
Edit any script
Search or print a script (HyperTalk commands can be executed immediately)
HyperTalk, object-oriented and message-passing.
Any button, field, card, background, or stack can have a script.
Each script can have any number of "handlers" for messages generated by
the system or the user
HyperTalk commands
Go to any card in any stack by position or name
Visual effects such as barn doors, checkerboard, iris, dissolve, scroll,
venetian blinds, wipe, and zoom
Sound effects: boing and harpsichord
Put text in any field of any card
Show dialog box for user input
Perform numeric calculations
I/O Open, Close, Read, Write, and Print
Control structures
Repeat until condition
Repeat with loop counter
If/then/else conditionals
Exit loop or procedure
Pass message/send message
Data types
Strings of unlimited length
Conversion to SANE numerics (9-place accuracy)
Conversion to date and time
Contents of any field
Dynamically created local variables
Global variables
On-line support provided via the Help stack, distributed on the Help Disk.